Approximate cost: PLN 300
After Ryanair appealed to us (Me, Mi sabers) flight in February to Bristol, I decided a long time to wait and find an alternative. Pretty soon I fell into the hands of Rome from Wizzair. It was the turn of the distribution of winter and summer, which meant that it was possible for one night trip to the Italian capital from. Tickets at a great price 130 for 2 (me and Andzia) have been booked very quickly. The only shortcoming that arose a few weeks before the flight was such that, unfortunately, our return has been postponed for two days after the scheduled date of arrival. It was not us on hand, as it was supposed to be a short and inexpensive trip because przebookowałem return flight to Warsaw.
outlet had to Poznan at 15:30 which meant that we did not have to break early in the morning and rested quietly arrived at the airport Ławica about 2 hours before departure time. Next everything according to plan and soon we were on board the Airbus 320 "HA-LPI" in the 545th flight W6 Weather in the course, unfortunately, not very pleasant. Overcast 8 / 8, stratus clouds that caused some 30 seconds after the start we were in the clouds. Fortunately, when they przebiliśmy in compensation data we could see dozens of other planes - including the great British Airways Boeing 747 was flying at us!
Landing on the huge airport Fiumicino, near Rome, about 2 hours later. It worked well, leaving the machine, visit the cockpit in order to perform a memorial pictures:)
When you enter the terminal to our eyes appeared in dozens of stores, I think it is very expensive shops ... The only words in Andzia Only this time it was, "Why did this to me?" :) Unfortunately, the shopping was not the time, declared that we will visit them as we go back. Unluckily, in the departure hall that they were gone. Initially, the plans we had, that "shoe" will go to a nearby village, and in the morning we will go to the center of Rome. Unfortunately, the town could not be reached, generally leave the airport on their own two feet is impossible! There is no sidewalk ... So pooddychaliśmy great Mediterranean air, we took a picture with the palm tree and went to eat something. We got the cool pub next to the station from where trains departed to the center and bought a very unique dinner in the form of pizza. However, it was a good choice - it was an entirely different and very good.
The next step was to find a place to sleep. Because we were there fairly quickly we were able to take one of the best seats - bench without armrests allow complete distribution of the level on it. Loud snoring was not easy, but after some two hours and it worked:) But I was at 4:00 in the morning awake because Andzia "Frightened" that airport clock goes back an hour 3:00 - so it was day time changes from winter to summer;)
the morning, slept pretty (that I am quite) went into the station and wanted to buy a train ticket Unfortunately, there was no where. All this time it was closed. But we met a German who said he does not make sense to buy a car and actually drove the first class to the center of "stowaways":) The train of 40min, so you could even take a nap while.
For sightseeing we did not have any plans at home only we printed a map of the city and all that. And so spontaneously and looked where we decided that we were going in the direction of the Coliseum because it was closest. It took us some time, but then we managed to see some smaller streets of the city. Most of their names we could not even pronounce ... Coliseum and saw the Arc de Triomphe, the impression made on us and moved on towards the Basilica of St.. Peter. Along the way we passed the Roman Forum - untouched by hand, in Poland would probably have painted the graffiti.
road took us to the Basilica of 30min, also overcame the river Tiber, one of the famous bridges. Sam Square St. Peter gave us a decidedly smaller than in the "telewizorni. It was probably the effect is that at this time, there were still very few people. We watched, pochodziliśmy but unfortunately lack of time we had to go back to the airport. Padnięta Andzia no longer wanted to walk, so we took the metro to Termini railway station. Incidentally, all the time we were driving the recording unit by some guy ...
just a crowded train to the airport in the range of the Germans, who soon heard the Polish language at once hid their bags ... We still had three hours to departure, so a colleague used them as the ultimate dream, and then we went to check and incredibly long line of "security." Overall, very chaotic airport, it's probably by their size.
Flight to Warsaw Okecie Airport to board the HA-LPI "also took us about 2 hours. Views Unfortunately, virtually no clouds the entire route. Landing at Okecie smooth and rapid transfer to a bus, "175" to the central station. From there, incredibly expensive train type "Express" - the only plus it was a very comfortable train with coaches from Inter City (6os in the range, power outlet, tables of distances to the target). Tired of the house we ended up very late, around midnight - it was worth it:)