I found this site yesterday www.maratonypolskie.pl i. .. I was flabbergasted!
But read for yourself:
"Dark, cold, and what worst, slippery! The fall is not hard, every step is lurking injury, and you want to run.
could be done in a fairly simple, cheap and effective way. Screwing the screws into the soles of shoes. You know? I, too, but somehow nobody ever saw and I did not recognize who that was running in those shoes.
Just pasting pictures and descriptions translated to appear somewhere on some forums and portals. Until you have done it! Please, here's pictures and descriptions made by Przemek running Przywartego - brave triathlety with IM, 2010, which has already run in the winter niestraszne!
rule execution:
Take appropriate shoes with a thick protector, which is most of the modern running shoe is suitable, not only Saucony. It screws with a length shorter than the thickness of the sole (if in doubt, buy as short as possible) - with a sharp tip, tapping screwed up badly with a screwdriver or a screwdriver to tighten the screws provided space, go jogging:)
And now a brief description of the Mek report prepared Shine:
"I was returning home at night and I knew that today I running around with screws. Was coming and it's freezing drizzle. She began to glaze. I dress warm light on the roof, rainwater at everything with a hood. Is 0 deg C. I left the house and encounter the compacted snow and ujeżdżony. Holds as hell. I run on soft and has a standard which is worse. As the bottom is 5 cm soft it must be removed in reflection.
Still a bit and run up to 1.5 km straight stretch of asphalt. Traffic zero. Odśnieżone. Black. But just underneath. Black raises from under the ice. I run and shock! Hold as stupid! At the beginning I put the steps carefully. It is kilkumilimetrowego feeling slip differential to the rear end punching anchor. I run through the village on a straight section of 1.5 km and back. On the second lap I can see that from the yard, next to which I run a small dog boots. Runs out of the door and turns toward me at full throttle. Crashes - it's slippery. No longer runs only stands and barks. Stride
bolt, holds firm. I'm trying to landing on my heel and for the transfer (after got into it in the heel after the 3 screws) - no problem. A revelation to me. Without it there would be no running today. No chance. "
Cost - 0.9 to 2 zł shoes (1 bolt costs 3 gr.)
assembly time 5 minutes.
a set of screws should be sufficient for the winter. If you do not want to pierce your shoe, you can:
- use Icebugów
- YakTrax
use - use STABILicers "
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