Żerniki - that is inconspicuous airstrip is located just a few miles south of downtown. Borders directly on the "Katowice route" or S11 via the A2 motorway and creating special as the national conditions, easy access.
This is where you rent a Cessna 172 with registration marks SP-ROD. Most of these aircraft has 160 horsepower engine - our version, however, has mounted version with a capacity of up to 180hp. Before we draw airplane hangar I take out my phone, call the office ATS Airport Poznań Ławica and filed a flight plan.
Today's route is Żerniki - Mike (Mosina) - Leszno - Mike - Sierra (PKP Poznań-Junikowo) - Poznań Ławica - Sierra - Żerniki. Lady with the "briefing" thoroughly inquires about our intentions, a colleague of laughs, that our dialogue sounds like a conversation with the IRS. I've included more information about the number of passengers on board (3), the altitude at which to recommend (1500 feet) and speed (120 knots). Finally, please enter our intention to comply with low-pass, a low flight over the airport runway Poznan communication.
After doing all the work "paper" review przedlotowego our machines and circling to the position where the cock fill up the plane. The so-called. small aviation accept the principle of pouring fuel into full - just on the border of the maximum take-off weight. Once again, I cast a look on the outside if everything is fine, I assure the accuracy passenger seat belt - it is all the more important that the turbulence in the light aircraft are much more noticeable than in large machines scheduled.

okay - liaise Tower of Krzesiny, run and circling the belt 24 to a test engine and departure. At 1700 RPM, check the drop in turnover iskrownikach, check the carburettor heat-up - all for a safe trip. After all we are ready for departure.
I receive information about weather conditions from the tower, I add the full power of the engine and we are already in the air. The weather was good for us - and the visibility over 10km in the sky just a few Cumulusów - comely clouds, but very turbulent. My passengers, however, glider pilots, so they are not afraid of throwing the airplane left and right. Under the supervision of the services with Krzesiny ascend to 1500 feet approximately 500m and make the page Mosina. The city is enabling high kominowi notice there very quickly and reaching far we establish communications with the flight information service (FIS) Classifieds Information.

Now, "torodromie" very easy we will get to the next point on the journey - Leszno. We fly south to the south (it is 12 o'clock) - the sun at times can be felt, at times is cloud coverage - it reminds me of a part of the song "Krakowski Spleen" group Maanam, "And the sun high, high lights in the eyes of pilots."

in singing mood at any moment we see the contours of the city of gliding. Stadium speedway welcomes us with a big sign in the stands, "Leszno Wit" - we also bow down reeling around and setting a course to the north. We must once again return to Mosina.

reports there after the next 20minutach swinging in the clouds (maybe more of them, in a VFR flight, after all, we can not otherwise specified). Only now you have to start solidly eye strain - a moment I'll have to find the section navigation Sierra station ie Poznań - Junikowo. I focused in order to maintain the exact course previously enumerated which points to this, sync it with a stop i. .. turned out to be a progressive - almost at the exact moment when we have the track together, they were below us.

flew over the suburbs of the capital of Wielkopolska referring to the tower, "Tower, Poznan, SP-ROD Sierra inbound 1500ft, QNH 1032 request lowpass ...". The controller does not do the problems and get permission to enter controlled airspace and the implementation of low flight above the waist. Being on a simple note to his waiting helicopter Blackhawk - here is a peculiar delicacy! Efficiently doing the maneuver and not wanting to disrupt the flow of traffic, quickly walking away from the axis of the belt - back to the heliport in Zerniki.

film is available HERE .
remains a short flight over Luboń, bypassing the military base in Krzesiny on the south side and now we're over Żernikami. Wysuwam flaps, reduce speed and then landed back on the belt 24 - "and again it worked."

Photos and video by Lukasz Stachowiak .
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