May 15 another meeting was held Wyszkowski Planszówkowej Initiative. In three (Damian, Tom and I) started from Brass, a groundbreaking game development industry in England. Tim chose from the beginning of hydrocarbon transport strategy, namely making money on carbon tried to stipple the largest and most profitable number of connections - canals and railroads, from time to time, sold some cotton. Damian has invested heavily and developed the spinning, not fearing the subsequent loans at the same time tried to monopolize the ports and przeskadzać ulubinej me in my steel-shipyard strategy. Tom eventually won what was a small surprise, because we mainly provide low-cost coal and building railroads. Brass force optimization or consequence, besides playing, I realized that "what I do in the next round to do better in this round." So, time is money as they say in the homeland of the author.

After about 2 hours with our "iron" recently extended composition of Adamnsa, we sat down to Kutuzova. War game simulating an expedition of Napoleon into Russia in 1812, the game is driven by the players enter play cards, activating the movement of the various chiefs, or causing the historic event. In war, as in most war games it is important to happiness. In Kutuzovie need a little "roll" the dice, sometimes they are essential. In our game the French side and I drove Adamns and Damian with Tom Russians. Not remembering the historical experience of "tsarist generals since the beginning of trying to appear fierce resistance on the borders have the Russian Empire, it gave some pyrrusowych victories in battles. Predominance of French in the summer of 1812, however, was too great. The Russians lost 80% of the living forces, and despite the relatively high losses and a decline in French, their morale in the Czarist army rebellion and the case was a defeat for the Russians (for the initiated write that scored six in the test, "Will to Fight?"). The game ended after 1 stage (four possible).
very late thank all present for two very exciting game and invited to the next meeting of the club on Saturday May 29!
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