Last weekend the representation Wyszkowski Planszówkowej Initiative in persons and my Adamnsa participated in the Warsaw grenadier. This is a regular event, organized with considerable gusto, devoted broadly understood wargamingowi (reconstructions, figurines, board games). Because of our passion brylowaliśmy mainly in the planszówkowej Konwetu.
For more than 30 hours, I managed to play six games in some pretty good multiplayer games. Min Succesors , American, flattering version of the popular in our club Strategosów; Pacific Taphoon light card game of the fighting in the Pacific during World War II. The game is very enjoyable in its simplicity, beautifully illustrated, and would be a great potential asset to the club if not for the space price. Then I played in a rather complex Revolution: The Dutch Revolt 1568-1648 , a game about the struggle of various political-religious factions sixteenth XVIIwiecznych Netherlands. Describe it as przekombinowany GoT, with limited military sphere, but a very interesting historical background. I like this genre, and are generally expected more of this title. At the end played in Napoleonic Wars, the game mechanically joining in their assumptions Kutuzova z. .. Successor. It is true that we have a lot more formal terms of diplomacy, but to beat the best and have a large role is played by the fleet. This title made me very positively surprised.
short, not so long ago I recorded!
PS On Saturday, May 15th long-awaited meeting of our club. WOK Hutnik, p. 10, hr. 15.00. See you there!
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